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www.senresourcesource.co.uk is a place to download and print resources for teachers to help you to support children in your classroom with special educational needs. Visit us and see what's available




www.senresourcesource.co.uk is a place to download and print resources for teachers to help you to support children in your classroom with special educational needs. Visit us and see what's available
Weekly Emotions Tracker

Weekly Emotions Tracker

Emotions tracker that can be printed weekly to write down your emotions each day using colour coded emotions faces. Why do you need this? A weekly emotions tracker helps students develop emotional awareness by prompting them to reflect on and identify their feelings throughout the day. This fosters self-awareness and emotional intelligence, important skills for social and emotional development. Tracking emotions allows students to recognise patterns and triggers for their emotions. With this awareness, they can develop strategies for self-regulation, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or seeking support from a trusted adult, to manage their emotions effectively. How and when might you use this? This could be used in a variety of ways: · Teachers can incorporate these worksheets into morning work to draw the colour coded face that reflects how they are feeling at the start of the day. This activity sets a positive tone for the day and allows teachers to gauge students’ emotional well-being. It can then be used for an end of day reflection to summarise their day. · Small group work where teachers can use the information gathered from the tracker to facilitate discussions. · During counselling sessions to reflect on emotions over time. · For long term monitoring to see if there are trends and patterns and to monitor the effectiveness of interventions and support strategies.
Describing My Feelings Worksheets

Describing My Feelings Worksheets

Set of 20 worksheets each showing a different emotion. For each worksheet, the child should draw on the features to a face and describe when they felt that emotion and what they were thinking about and how their body reacted. The set has 10 girl version worksheets and 10 boy versions. Why do you need this? These worksheets help children develop emotional awareness by identifying and articulating their feelings. Understanding emotions is crucial for social and emotional development. By exploring what triggers different emotions and how their body reacts, children can learn to recognize early signs of emotional distress and develop strategies for regulating their emotions. Reflecting on their own emotions can help children develop empathy for others. Understanding their own feelings may make it easier for them to relate to and empathize with the emotions of their peers. How and when might you use this? These worksheets could be used in a variety of ways: · Teachers can incorporate these worksheets into morning meetings or circle time discussions to start the day with a focus on emotions and well-being. · During PSHE to teach students about emotions and emotional regulation. Teachers can lead discussions about how emotions impact our thoughts, behaviors, and physical sensations, promoting self-awareness. · Small group work where the children discuss and reflect on different emotions together. · During counselling sessions to support children in exploring and processing their emotions. · As part of conflict resolution for children to reflect on their emotions during conflicts and brainstorm positive solutions. What’s included? 10 Girl version worksheets and 10 boy versions. Emotions included are: · Happy · Sad · Worried · Angry · Frustrated · Annoyed · Scared · Embarrassed · Excited · Disappointed
Kind Hands Lesson Package

Kind Hands Lesson Package

Lesson package encouraging children to use kind hands and giving ideas of how to do this. Why do you need this? This lesson package can help teachers establish clear expectations for respectful behavior in the classroom, emphasizing the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy. By focusing on the concept of “kind hands,” teachers can support students’ social-emotional development, helping them understand the impact of their actions on others and develop empathy and compassion. Teaching students about kind hands can contribute to creating a positive and inclusive classroom culture, reducing incidents of bullying and conflict by promoting empathy and respect for others. How and when might you use this? Due to the content of this lesson package it can be quite flexible in the range of ages it can be used with. A teacher might use a lesson about kind hands at various points throughout the school year, depending on the needs of their students and the classroom dynamics. What is included? · Lesson planning · Teaching slides · Worksheet · Kind Hands Social story
Anger Thermometer

Anger Thermometer

Thermometer showing increasing levels of anger and then with a space to think about what things make them feel that angry and how they can calm themselves down at different levels of anger. Why do you need this? The Anger Thermometer worksheet helps children become more aware of the intensity of their anger by categorising it on a scale from calm to furious. This self-awareness is crucial for developing emotional intelligence and understanding the range of emotions they experience. By writing examples of when they have felt each level of anger, children can identify specific triggers or situations that lead to different levels of anger. This understanding allows them to anticipate and manage their responses more effectively in the future. How and when might you use this? This worksheet could be used in a variety of ways: · In lessons on social-emotional learning to help students identify and understand the different levels of their anger and practice coping strategies. · Following a conflict or behavioural incident a tool for self-reflection to identify their anger level and reflect on how they managed their emotions. · During counselling sessions to support students in exploring their anger triggers and developing personalized coping strategies. · As 1:1 support for a child struggling with anger management. · During circle time discussions focused on emotions and self-regulation. What’s included? The worksheet features a colour-coded thermometer bar ranging from “I’m calm” in green up to “I’m furious!” in red. Five stages of anger are delineated including calm, annoyed, frustrated, angry, and furious. At each level, students give examples of things that would trigger those feelings for them. Next, children self-strategise the best ways they can calm down at each anger level such as take deep breaths, squeeze a stress ball, walk away or tell the teacher.
Responses to Anger Worksheet

Responses to Anger Worksheet

Worksheet for children to think about their responses to anger including what their anger triggers are, how their body physically responds, what they think when they are angry and what other emotions they feel during that time besides anger. Why do you need this? Writing down their responses to anger helps children become more aware of their emotions, triggers, and reactions. This self-awareness is essential for developing emotional intelligence and understanding how their thoughts and feelings influence their behavior. These insights empower children with the tools and skills necessary to effectively manage their anger and navigate challenging emotions. How and when might you use this? This worksheet could be used in a variety of ways: · In PSHE lessons that focus on understanding and managing their emotions. · Following a conflict or behavioural incident as a way for a child to reflect and as a tool for self-reflection. · During counselling sessions to support students in developing coping strategies for managing anger. · As 1:1 support for a child struggling with anger management. · This worksheet could be used proactively with students as a preventative measure to promote self-awareness and emotional regulation. What’s included? This worksheet includes 4 sections in which children can either write or draw their answers under the titles ‘trigger’, ‘my body’, ‘my thoughts’ and ‘my emotions’.
Anger Choices Worksheet

Anger Choices Worksheet

Cut and stick worksheet showing different things that people might do when feeling angry. Children to sort the pictures into groups of things they should do when angry and things they should not. Why do you need this? Managing anger appropriately is a vital skill for children to develop. This interactive cut and stick activity creatively builds positive behavior choices using engaging picture sorting. How and when might you use this? The worksheet features 10 pictures of scenarios showing different reactions when feeling angry, like hitting, screaming, talking to a trusted adult, hurting others, deep breathing etc. Children should look at each picture, discussing if the behaviors shown are right or wrong ways to deal with anger. Children then cut out the pictures and sort them under the columns “I should" or “I should not” according to their own reasoning. Finally, students glue their sorted cards under the correct column, creating a handy visual reference guide demonstrating constructive vs destructive anger reactions.
Anger Dos and Don'ts

Anger Dos and Don'ts

Worksheet for children to think about calming strategies that are helpful to use while feeling angry as well as thinking about things that are not helpful to do whilst angry. Why do you need this? Anger is a common emotion, but how we express it makes all the difference. This useful worksheet helps children process feelings of anger and frustration in healthy ways. By identifying positive and negative behaviors related to anger, children learn to manage anger and avoid escalating situations. How and when might you use this? This worksheet is flexible in its design so that it can be easily adapted across ages and abilities. Counselors could also utilise the worksheet for sessions focused on identification of emotions and anger management. It could also be used by parents as a way to address a child’s emotional outbursts at home. What’s included? This worksheet features a simple, layout with designated sections to list “Anger Dos” and “Anger Don’ts." Under Dos, children can be prompted to write constructive, calming strategies like “take deep breaths” and “talk to a friend”. The Don’ts section is for recognising unhealthy responses like “yelling” or “throwing things.” This worksheet can be differentiated by the children using sentences, words or pictures.
Anger Bingo for Calming Strategies

Anger Bingo for Calming Strategies

Bingo game to support children in using different calming strategies to help with anger. Each time they use a different strategy they can mark it off on the board and try to get 3 in a row. There are different versions for children to either write down their own preferred strategies or use the given ones. Why do you need this? Managing anger can be challenging for children. This bingo game provides a unique and engaging approach for teaching calming strategies to help children handle frustrating emotions. How and when might you use this? Anger Bingo transforms a classic game into a tool for building emotional intelligence. It’s an excellent way to introduce anger management skills or reinforce concepts learned. By completing the boards children can discover new coping methods tailored to their needs. This versatile resource works for individual and group settings with children of varying ages and abilities. What’s included? The set includes 3 different bingo boards each with 9 squares. Each square features a different calming technique like deep breathing, listening to music or going to a safe space. Children can use the blank board to fill in their own ideas or user the suggested strategies.
Anger Lesson Package

Anger Lesson Package

Lesson package about anger, what makes us angry, how anger makes us feel inside and how our bodies react physically and a variety of calming strategies to use when angry. Why do you need this? Teaching children about anger helps them develop self-awareness and emotional regulation skills. By understanding their emotions better, students can learn to recognise when they are becoming angry and employ appropriate strategies to manage their feelings. Providing a structured lesson on anger helps create a safe and supportive classroom environment where students feel comfortable discussing and expressing their emotions. This openness encourages students to seek help when needed and reduces the likelihood of disruptive behaviour stemming from unaddressed anger. How and when might you use this? Due to the content of this lesson package it can be quite flexible in the range of ages it can be used with. A teacher might use a lesson about anger at various points throughout the school year, depending on the needs of their students and the classroom dynamics. What’s included? · Lesson planning · Teaching slides that include how anger feels in the body, the rules of anger and calming strategies · Worksheet about the phases of anger · Calming strategies display posters
Good and Bad Behaviour Choices Worksheet

Good and Bad Behaviour Choices Worksheet

Cut and Stick worksheet in which children should look at the pictures and decide whether they show good or bad behaviour choices. Why do you need this? The worksheet helps reinforce classroom rules and expectations by providing visual examples of both desirable and undesirable behaviours. Sorting the pictures into “good” and “bad” choices reinforces the importance of following classroom rules and helps clarify expectations for students. The activity prompts discussions about appropriate behaviour in the classroom. As students sort the pictures, teachers can engage them in conversations about why certain behaviours are considered good or bad choices and the impact of these behaviours on themselves and others. How and when might you use this? This worksheet could be used in a variety of ways: · At the beginning of the school year to introduce and discuss classroom rules. · As a review activity to reinforce classroom expectations. · In partner and small group work, children can collaborate together discussing their reasoning and justifying their decisions to one another. · As a reflection tool following a behaviour incident to allow children to identify and evaluate their actions. · As part of PSHE lessons focused on managing emotions and behaviours. What’s included? Included is a worksheet showing 2 columns and then 10 different pictures to cut and sort.
Behaviour Reflection

Behaviour Reflection

Worksheet for children to complete following an incident in which they can reflect on their emotions prior to the incident, what they did, what they will try to do next time and their emotions now. Included are 2 different versions of the behaviour reflection. Why do you need this? A behaviour reflection worksheet provides students with an opportunity to reflect on their actions and behaviours. By guiding students through a structured reflection process, teachers encourage self-awareness and accountability. It also allows children to take ownership of their actions and behaviour and allows them time to think about the consequences of their actions and consider alterative choices they could have made How and when might you use this? This worksheet would most commonly be used directly following a behaviour incident or disruption as a tool for children to reflect on their actions. It can also be incorporated into restorative practices or conflict resolution. What’s included? Included are 2 different versions of the behaviour reflection. One which has questions for children to answer in blank spaces and one with pictures that does not require the child to do any writing, just to look at pictures and choose and circle or colour the appropriate one.
Calming Strategies Checklist

Calming Strategies Checklist

Checklist for children to look at and think about which calming strategies work best for them when in a heightened emotional state. Why do you need this? Children dealing with heightened emotional states, especially those struggling with anger issues often need guidance and support to navigate their emotions efficiently. This checklist is a good tool to help teachers to be proactive in helping children manage their stress, it aims to involve children actively in self-regulating their emotions. How and when might you use this? This might be used in a variety of ways: · During PSHE lessons focused on emotional regulation and coping strategies, helping children identify which work best for them. · Following a conflict or behavioural incident a tool for self-reflection to think about their reaction to anger and what strategies they may use instead in the future. · As 1:1 support for a child struggling with anger management. · During counselling sessions to support students in exploring their anger triggers and developing personalised coping strategies. · As a whole class activity to promote a classroom culture of emotional awareness and self-regulation. What’s included? One PDF worksheet showing a checklist of calming strategies that children might use when angry. Children can go down the list and check either ‘this helps’, ‘this sometimes helps’, ‘this does not help’
Calming Strategies Posters

Calming Strategies Posters

Set of 13 posters that can be used to remind children of how to calm themselves down when feeling angry, frustrated or upset. Why do you need this? These posters serve as visual reminders of calming strategies, providing students with immediate access to tools for managing anger when they need them most. Having posters displayed in the classroom empowers children to independently access and use calming strategies without relying on constant teacher guidance. How and when might you use this? This might be used in a variety of ways: · These posters could be displayed in a designated calming corner or area in the classroom. Students can then be invited to visit the calm area as needed. · To support children who struggle with transitions to new activities. Before transitioning to a new task children can be reminded of the calming strategies. · Following a conflict or behavior incident children can be guided to the posters to prompt them to pick an appropriate calming strategy. · During 1:1 support for a child struggling with anger management. · During class circle time as an aid to discussion about emotions and coping strategies. What’s included? 13 posters each titled ‘I can’ and then with the following stratgeties: · Go to my calm area · Ask for a hug · Write down my feelings · Draw or colour · Listen to music · Talk to an adult · Take deep breaths · Do some exercise · Play with sensory toys · Use a sensory bottle · Think of a happy place · Read a book · Count to 10
Calming Down with 5 Senses

Calming Down with 5 Senses

Poster to support children in grounding themselves when they are suffering with severe anxiety. Why do you need this? If your anxiety reaches a debilitating level, it can be helpful to ground yourself in the present moment. You can do this by thinking about your surroundings using the 5 senses. This poster encourages just this by reminding children to name 5 things they can see, 4 things they can touch, 3 things they can hear, 2 things they can smell and 1 thing they can taste. How and when might you use this? This might be used in a variety of ways: · During relaxation and mindfulness exercises. · To support children who struggle with transitions to new activities. Before transitioning to a new task children can be reminded of this calming strategy. · In the moment when a child is suffering with heightened anxiety or stress. · During counselling sessions to support students in exploring their anxiety and developing coping strategies. · During class circle time as a discussion about the importance of self-regulation and managing emotions. What’s included? 1 PDF poster
Changing my thoughts worksheet

Changing my thoughts worksheet

Worksheet in which children think about what thoughts lead to certain feelings and how they can change their thoughts to have more positive feelings. Why do you need this? This worksheet can help nurture emotional intelligence by encouraging children to recognize the connection between their thoughts and feelings. This awareness empowers them to better understand and manage their emotions. Teaching students to challenge negative thoughts and reframe them in a more positive light promotes resilience. It empowers them to approach challenges with a growth mindset and develop coping strategies for overcoming adversity. How and when might you use this? This worksheet could be used in a variety of ways: In PSHE lessons that focus on understanding and managing their emotions. Use it as a guided activity to help children identify the common thought patterns associated with different emotions and brainstorm positive alternatives. Following an emotional incident or conflict as a tool for self-reflection. During counselling sessions to support students in managing their emotions and developing coping strategies. Empower children to challenge their negative thoughts with positive ones. As a prompt for whole class discussions about emotional well-being and positive thinking. As part of an end of the day check-in routine. Children can have time to reflect on their thoughts and feelings. What’s included? Included is 1 PDF printable worksheet with 2 versions; 1 for a boy and 1 for a girl
Chore Chart

Chore Chart

Visual tool designed to help families organize and manage household chores effectively. Why do you need this? Establishing a regular chore routine through the use of chore charts helps instill good habits and discipline in children. Consistently completing chores at designated times reinforces the importance of responsibility and contributes to a smoothly functioning household. Chore charts can serve as motivational tools by providing visual reinforcement of progress and accomplishments. Children may feel a sense of pride and satisfaction when they see tasks checked off or completed on the chore chart, motivating them to continue contributing to the household. What’s included? 3 different chore chart designs to choose from - rainbow coloured, unicorns and mermaids and dinosaurs. The set contains 36 different chore cards that you can velcro or blue tac to the chart as appropriate for your child and then star stickers to attach to the chart if/when the complete their chore.
Phases of Anger Worksheet

Phases of Anger Worksheet

Worksheet in which children should think about the progression of their anger and they could try to calm themselves down. Why do you need this? This worksheet promotes self-awareness by encouraging children to recognise the stages of their anger. By identifying early signs of anger, students can learn to intervene before their emotions escalate. This teaches children strategies to manage their emotions effectively. By reflecting on their anger progression, students can explore coping mechanisms and calming techniques that work best for them, such as deep breathing, taking a break, or positive self-talk. How and when might you use this? This worksheet can be used in a variety of ways: · During classroom discussions about emotions and behaviour management. · Guided group activities · Counseling sessions with students struggling with anger management to explore personalized coping strategies. · Following a conflict or behavioural incident as a tool for self-reflection. · This worksheet could be used proactively with students as a preventative measure to promote self-awareness and emotional regulation.
My Feelings Thermometer Worksheet

My Feelings Thermometer Worksheet

Worksheet in which children should think about their own emotions, times that they have felt certain emotions and the thoughts they had at that time. Why do you need this? Encouraging children to think about their emotions helps them develop emotional awareness and understanding. It enables them to recognize and label different feelings they experience, fostering self-awareness and emotional intelligence. The worksheet prompts children to reflect on past experiences when they felt certain emotions. This self-reflection allows them to gain insights into their emotional responses and the factors that trigger specific feelings, promoting self-awareness. How and when might you use this? This worksheet can be used in a variety of ways: · During social-emotional lessons focused on emotional awareness, regulation, and empathy. · During counselling sessions as a tool for students to express and process their emotions in a safe and supportive environment. · During morning work to start the day on a positive and reflective note. · As a behavior intervention to help students identify triggers, understand their emotions, and develop coping strategies.
My Happy Place Worksheet

My Happy Place Worksheet

This worksheet allows children to draw a picture of a place that makes them feel happy that they can imagine themselves in when they feel anxious. Why do you need this? Drawing a picture of a happy place serves as a coping strategy for children experiencing anxiety. It provides them with a tangible tool to manage their emotions and redirect their focus to a positive and comforting mental space. Visualising and imagining themselves in a happy place can help children regulate their emotions during moments of anxiety. The act of drawing and picturing themselves in a calming environment promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels. How and when might you use this? This worksheet can be used in a variety of ways: · During social-emotional lessons focused on managing emotions, regulation, and anxiety. Students can draw their happy place and share their drawings with classmates, fostering a sense of community and empathy. · During counselling sessions with students who experience anxiety. It provides a structured activity for children to explore their emotions and coping mechanisms in a safe and supportive environment. · During mindfulness or relaxation practices.
Positive Thinking Worksheet

Positive Thinking Worksheet

Worksheet in which children think about what thoughts and feelings led to a certain behaviour and then think about how different thoughts might change the outcome. Why do you need this? This worksheet encourages children to reflect on their actions by identifying the thoughts and feelings that preceded their behaviour. This process promotes self-awareness and helps children understand the factors influencing their actions. Understanding the role of thoughts and feelings in behaviour helps children develop emotional regulation skills. They learn that they can influence their emotions by changing their thoughts, leading to more adaptive coping strategies when faced with challenging situations. How and when might you use this? This worksheet could be used in a variety of ways: · In lessons on social-emotional learning that focus on understanding and managing their emotions. · To aid conflict resolution after an incident to allow children to reflect. · During counselling sessions with students who exhibit behavioural difficulties or emotional struggle. · As 1:1 support for a child struggling with strong emotions. · This worksheet could be used proactively with students as a preventative measure to equip students with skills for managing stress, anger, or other challenging emotions. What is included? Included are 2 versions of the worksheet, one in colour and one in black and white